The changed face of Traditional Healing
The way traditional medicine is practiced throughout the world has changed. There have had to be adjustments made in order to cope with the changing nature of the world. This is the same for African...
View ArticleNew thinking in 2013
Sanibonani in 2013! The latter part of 2012 for me was spent contemplating my purpose and goals in this lifetime. It's an obsession with me to always look at where I am at and to feel if this is where...
View ArticleAre you in a relationship with your amaDlozi?
I'm starting my workshop series this year with this topic. My reasons for this are quite simple. So many people are in what I call fear-based relationships with their amaDlozi which is not how its...
View ArticleI thought I should share this....
This is from a website which has different prayers everyday. The site is I recommend it. The prayer for today is: If God were trying to tell me something, would I know? If God...
View ArticleAbout to cement a new relationship? Ever heard of "indoda yosizi"? Read this...
We often underestimate how much another person's issues can have an effect on us. This is especially true when we are engaging in new partnerships, be they a business or a romantic. Here is something...
View ArticleBe aware of policies being made which affect your cultural practices!!
Sanibonani from a very wet Northriding. I realized that I live a fragmented life although it's quite interconnected. What I'm referring to specifically here is that I keep aspects of my "day" job out...
View ArticleAbako Malume - The importance of your mom's side of the family
Sanibonani. I'd like to start series of articles which look at the structure of families in our culture. It's part of what I think of as part of reclaiming our culture because I find that we don't...
View ArticleOur country is a reflection of each one of us- we create it!!!
Sanibonani, ngithemba sonke sisaphila. I have relatively straight forward visions, which mostly don't need interpretation. So when I see some of the troubling visions I had some time back come to...
View ArticleRecognise the blessings in your life even if at first they may not seem like...
A wise person once said "Wisdom is the instantaneous recognition that a crisis is a blessing". We need to remember that an opportunity for self reflection or self correction is a blessing which will...
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